Hamberger Industriewerke GmbH
Hamberger Industriewerke GmbH in Stephanskirchen near Rosenheim is managed as a medium-sized family business by Peter Hamberger and Dr Peter M. Hamberger, in the fourth and fifth generations. Founded in 1866, the company manufactures floor coverings and WC seats and incorporates the Hamberger Flooring, Hamberger Sanitary, Hamberger Retail as well as Farming and Forestry corporate divisions.
Hamberger Flooring
The company has been producing high-quality wooden floors Made in Germany since 1950 and has developed in this time into one of the largest manufacturers of parquet in Germany and one of the leading providers in Europe. The fascination with wood as a natural material and with parquet floors is reflected in the excellent quality and exceptional variety of the range. The company impressively underscores its product expertise with more than 20 wood species, the widest variety of grades, designs such as plank 1-strip and longstrip and numerous different haptic surfaces. Boasting the most cutting edge facilities, the company not only produces wooden floors but also permanently installed and portable sports floors and protective walls for fitness centres, arenas, multi-purpose halls, gymnasiums and major professional stadiums for both indoor and outdoor applications as well as product solutions for improving room acoustic.
Hamberger Flooring demonstrates its claim to being a full range provider with a broad selection of hard-surface floor coverings. In addition to parquet, this includes laminate and cork floors, PVC- and softener-free design floors, such as Disano, a comprehensive range of accessories as well as the parkettmanufaktur by HARO premium segment with individually finished real wood flooring. Innovative product developments such as the quietest laminate floor in the world, sunProtect, the sunscreen for parquet, HARO Teketo, a system of floor indicators specially developed for people with a visual impairment or solid-coloured top layers for parquet are indicative of the company's outstanding innovative drive.
Hamberger Sanitary
Hamberger began to manufacture WC seats in 1912. Today, Hamberger Sanitary products represent the culmination of the company's unrivalled wealth of experience.
More than 100 years of experience goes into each and every new WC seat. Constant innovations, uncompromising quality and a strong customer focus have made Hamberger Sanitary Europe’s largest producer of WC seats. Fifteen patents pending for new product developments, noteworthy design prizes and an unrivalled range of products are evidence of Hamberger Sanitary's commitment to using its know-how to elevate the simple WC seat to something outstanding. "The right solution for any situation" is the mantra under which Hamberger Sanitary's creative think tank works, using a high level of skills to come up with technically innovative products, new designs and small, refined details to ensure greater comfort and improved hygiene.
Hamberger Medical
Hamberger Medical verbindet das über viele Jahrzehnte in der Unternehmensgruppe erworbene Expertenwissen im Bereich WC-Sitz mit professioneller Medizintechnik. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit Ärzten ist ein WC-Sitz entstanden, der als zertifiziertes Medizinprodukt durch die Integration modernster Technik und eigens entwickelter Algorithmen ein einfaches und hochpräzises Monitoring der eigenen Gesundheitsparameter im heimischen Umfeld ermöglicht. So kann der WC-Sitz ein 6-Kanal EKG aufzeichnen und präzise ein Vorhofflimmern erkennen. Die zugehörige App hilft dem Anwender, die aufgezeichneten Daten einfach auszuwerten und erstellt automatisch einen EKG-Bericht zur optionalen Weiterleitung an einen Arzt. Mit dem klinisch erprobten Produkt von Hamberger Medical kann medizinische Vorsorge bequem in jeden Alltag integriert werden – für mehr Sicherheit und Lebensqualität!
Hamberger Retail
The three DIY stores operated by Hamberger Retail are a further solid pillar within the Hamberger group of companies. Hamberger has been an OBI franchise holder since 1993 and has thus established itself successfully in the region. This gives the company a direct insight into the wishes and needs of its customers and allows it to use the know-how acquired to continually improve its products.
Hamberger Farming and Forestry
The company has operated its own agricultural business – the Gut Filzenhof agricultural estate – since 1916. The business was originally dedicated to rearing dairy cattle until the seventies when the focus shifted to the fattening of young bulls. The highest quality meat and sausage fare is marketed directly via the farm shop at Gut Filzenhof. Quality-conscious customers from the region and beyond have been enjoying the direct distribution service for many years. As an EU-approved business, Gut Filzenhof guarantees an openness on which trust can be built. The entire operation is subject to continuous EU controls. The safety of the foodstuffs is furthermore guaranteed by ongoing hygiene inspections and own monitoring mechanisms. Alongside this, the company also has a direct link to the raw material wood through its own forestry operation.